The Emotional Divorce by Susan Mundahl
The Emotional Divorce by Susan Mundahl
Author Susan Mundahl distilled her 35 years of experience as a family law attorney and her work with hundreds of families into her pragmatic and approachable first book, The Emotional Divorce. Drawing on both her legal expertise and personal experience, Susan guides readers through the intricate dynamics of emotions, relationships, and self-discovery. The book offers a unique perspective on navigating divorce as an opportunity to cultivate self-awareness and forge a path toward a more fulfilling life. With simplicity, pragmatism, and approachability, it serves as an ideal starting point for those new to self-help and personal transformation. It acts as a catalyst for readers embarking on their healing journey during the significant crossroads of divorce. Written for individuals contemplating, going through, or already divorced, it provides transformative insights and opportunities for healing and self-discovery.